» Nyhetsarkiv » Herrlaget


Tydligen har våra USA-turnerande pojkar valt att ge sig ut i New York-natten och spendera lite av pengarna vi betalar till dom.
New York Post rapporterar:
Manchester United soccer stars hit New York’s party scene with style — clubbing until 4:00am Monday, dancing with belly dancers and downing Champagne ”in a celebratory mood.”
Top players from the English Premier League champion, including Wayne Rooney, Ryan Giggs and Rio Ferdinand, hit a series of hot spots Sunday night, taking in a sexy Moulin Rouge-themed burlesque show at Lavo.
 ”The team and their staff took over half the restaurant,” a witness told the New York Post. ”Once the music started after dinner, they were dancing on the tables and the banquettes to the DJ. Then the belly dancers came out and they were mesmerized. Ryan Giggs got up and was dancing with a belly dancer on a table, the guys were laughing. They all left at around 1:00am. They invited a few girls onto the team bus with them, and two went.”
Texten fortsätter – och här visar New York Post tydliga tecken på att det antingen är en härligt ironisk tidning eller en fotbollsokunnig sådan:
The team later rolled up to Chelsea’s Juliet Supperclub. A source said, ”They were in a celebratory mood. They ordered Champagne, vodka, scotch and mingled with a group of models. They stayed until 4:00am, when they all got back onto the team bus without the girls.”
The players, on a US tour, wanted to celebrate after Saturday’s win over Chicago ahead of their game Tuesday against the MLS All-Star team, which includes iconic former Manchester United star David Beckham in Harrison, N.J.
A Manchester United rep said, ”The full squad wasn’t there and the group included team staff. Everybody was dancing on tables at Lavo, not just Giggs. That was the theme, the whole restaurant was dancing. None of the players invited girls onto the bus. Two girls got on the bus at Lavo, they were friends of the backroom staff, and one was with her husband. At the end of the night, the team got on the bus and went back to their hotel with no girls.”
Jag ser inte Rio d.ä och Rooney skåla och vråla ut sin glädje efter 3-1 mot Chicago Fire. Men man vet aldrig.

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