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”Anton Ferdinand, we know what you are”

Chelseafansen dömde ut Wayne Bridge när deras kapten hade sex med Bridges sons mamma.
I går skanderade Chelseafansen ”Anton Ferdinand, we know what you are” under CL-mötet med Genk. Detta eftersom Terry påståtts ha kallat Ferdinand ”black cunt”.
Ännu mera smakfullt.
Fan, vilka idioter det finns i klackarna.
* Fergie snackade om vår egen Ferdinand i går och sa det alla har sett länge nu: Rio d.ä kan inte längre kalla sig snabb.  Och det säger en del om att Fergies förtroende för Rio d.ä börjar vackla.
“I explained to Rio the other day that we have two young centre-halves coming through and I hope I can keep the four together for a long time. But Rio is almost 33 and has obviously lost the yard of pace he had five years ago and he has to tailor his game a different way. He cannot rely on his pace any more. That is obvious. We have all faced that decisive moment in your career when you have to realise that you have to change your game I had to do it myself when I lost my sharpness and Rio will have to do the same and if he does he will be fine.
“I don’t think there is any problem. He has been with us eight years now and has been a fantastically consistent performer. He has been top class, brilliant. He will have to rearrange his game a little bit. He is still one of the best footballers in the country in terms of the use of the ball; he still has a great presence, he still can tackle and still can head the ball but what has changed for Rio is that he has lost that electric yard he had a few years ago but he will change and play a big part. No question about that.”
Men sa han verkligen åtta år?
Rio kom ju hit efter VM 2002.
* Mitt lag i kväll:


Jones – Rio d.ä – Evans – Evra

Valencia – Ando – Fletcher – Nani

Rooney – Welbeck

Kommentar: Med tanke på att Fergie inte har superförtroende för Rio längre så kan jag se honom starta i kväll. Mååååånga skador (Smalling, Cleverley, Young, Rafael som dock tränar, Carrick (?) och Giggs), avstängning på Vida, gör att urvalet inte är superstort hos oss. Park som spelat en del på sistone får vila. Annars inga konstigheter även om jag reserverar mig för målvaktsposten. Där vet man aldrig.

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