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Här dör vår säsong

Fergie bekräftar i dag det vi fick reda på i går: “We thought it was a bad one, He’s out for the season. It’s not unexpected but it’s still bad news.
“He’ll see a specialist on Monday to work out the progress of when he has the operation. It won’t be immediate as we have to let the swelling come down.
”We’ll now have to choose between Jonny Evans, Phil Jones and Chris Smalling [to fill the gap]. I thought Rio had his best game of season on Wednesday. His experience will be vital.”
Minns ni när Keanes korsband gick av 1997?
Det blev ingen titel den säsongen heller.
Som Hysén skulle ha sagt: ”Det var ju kuken också. Nu ska jag hem och supa mig kanon.”

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