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Det har inte varit svårt för media att få världens ledande spelare, past and present, och tränare att säga vad de tycker om Alex Ferguson och hans legacy de senaste dagarna.
Här är en uppsamling.
David Beckham:
”I am truly honoured to have been guided by the greatest manager in football and to have had the career that I had under him. Without him, I would never have achieved what I have done.”
Carlo Ancelotti:
”He’s a symbol, a legend and a hero for Manchester United. But at the same time he’s humble, modest and still has the passion of a child in carrying out his work.”
”I don’t remember the exact moment I met him for the first time, but I know we hit it off immediately. We were adversaries. At times I won and at times he won, but we were never enemies. At the end of each game we’d enjoy a good glass of wine and a laugh. This is the kind of football I like, and that Sir Alex likes as well.
”Thanks for everything, Boss.”
Michel Platini:
”His CV is almost unique in a results-based profession that normally focuses on short-term solutions rather than long-term vision.”
”Sir Alex, you were my idol for a coach, and you are an example for all future generations. Sir Alex, you are a legend and your achievements are unlikely to ever be surpassed.
”United have been a machine over the last 25 years. Sir Alex has really put his identity on the club and that has led to success. It will take David time to go in and assess everything but it is a club as stable as any in the world and it is ready-made for him.”
”There is no doubt Sir Alex will be a big miss there. He has been there so many years and been part of the furniture, making the club what it is today. But it is up to the rest of the clubs how they react to that. The spending powers of the teams up there will always make it close.”
Bryan Robson:
”Ferguson is probably the greatest club manager ever. It is unbelievable to change around probably four different squads and have the success he has.”
Arsene Wenger:
”I would just like to pay tribute to an unbelievable achievement and a fantastic career. Basically the achievement is immaculate, when you look at the whole structure and consistency of the achievement. It is, of course, something exceptional.”
”It is difficult to imagine English football without him, but it’s now a reality and a fact. Of course the next manager has to fill in and show he has the dimension to do that. It is a big task for the guy who comes in.”
Rutgerus van Nistelroij:
”2001-2006, 219 games, 150 goals under the most successful manager in football history. It was a unique privilege.”
”Ferguson is a figurehead, an ambassador. This will only ever happen once [at the club]. Someone with such an illustrious career as Ryan Giggs has never had another manager.” 
”Of course, he’s reached a respectable age. What he has done for United is incredible. He left his mark on the club in 27 years and surrounded himself by his own people. Rene Meulensteen for example is very important as a coach.”
… och så Roberto Mancini som förstås inte reservationslöst kan hylla den störste:
”It’s difficult to say if Ferguson is the best ever. There will never be another manager like him, but in Europe there are other great managers, so it is difficult to say if Sir Alex is the best.
Några Unitedspelare har också uttalat sig om både Alex och Moyes.
Jonny Evans:
”A lot was said about rumours flying around during our golf day but it wasn’t really like that. We came in the next day, a meeting was called and the manager told us he was retiring.
”It was still a shock because no one saw it coming. Everyone is looking forward to working with David Moyes but are a bit gutted Sir Alex is leaving.
”He’s done a fantastic job here and everyone is grateful for that.”
“When I retire it will be satisfying to say that I was one of Alex Ferguson’s boys. But it’s more than an anecdote for me. I see it as an achievement and a blessing.”
”It’s a source of pride to say I was with one of the best coaches in history. Something that impresses me is that he never lost his competitiveness. In spite of everything he won he continues to be hungry. He’s a winner.
Captain Nemanja:
”I’m looking forward to working with David and I believe I will have the same success I had with Sir Alex. David and Sir Alex share some similarities – they are very passionate, they are both winners and you can see the way they approach the games and how they run things.”
”David Moyes did a great job with Everton. He is the man who gets his players to work hard and show discipline. He did that well with Everton because in the last few years they’ve been successful in getting into the top six.
”It was important the club made a decision quickly and got it all sorted before people could start making rumours. We’ve never had a problem with him here at United, he’s a very honest man from the players you speak to and he’s done a fantastic job at his previous club Everton. The club have acted impeccably in that respect.”
”It’s great to see the new manager coming in, we’ve never had a problem with him here at United, he’s a very honest man from the players you speak to and he’s done a fantastic job at his previous club Everton. I’m sure he’ll be very, very open and sympathetic to the traditions of the club and try and continue that and not come in and try and make crazy changes in terms of the whole characteristics of the club.”
”He’s done a terrific job at Everton. He’s been there a long time and has had great success with the resources he’s had. It’s obviously a big change because this club’s been run for so long by one person.”
”I’m really looking forward to meeting him and getting good training in pre-season and looking forward to a good future. He’s honest and fair to his players as far as I’m aware. He sets high standards just as he expects high standards of ourselves.”
* Och så en intervju med vårt kanske bästa mittbackspar ever. Tyvärr innan Alex meddelade sitt beslut. (Det är inte en enda ledande fråga. På riktigt)

Noteringar: Kul att Vida inte håller med om att det är Rios bästa säsong ever.
Kul också att Rio fortfarande är irriterad över att det inte blev någon buss genom Manchester efter CL-vinsten 2008. Vilket ju var Rangersfansens fel.
Trist att de inte snackar en sekund om Real.
Och kepsen … för fan, Rio.
* Wayne Rooney dementerade i går något twitterkontoprofilsnack som tidningarna skrivit om.
Dock så innehöll den dementin INGENTING om påståendet att han vill lämna klubben igen.
Rätt talande.

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